Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Challenging The Status Quo

It is necessary to challenge status quo thinking to the fullest extent. People of the world share different ideas and different viewpoints on topics, issues, answers, and questions. These viewpoints need to be released to the world because the objective is to NOT have a status quo. Even though we do have a status quo for almost every thing and every part of our society, the goal should be to remove that status quo. Even though status quos will probably never be removed, they will change over time. This change is necessary in order to fit with newer generations. Going back to the necessity of challenging the status quo...The degree that is necessary is infinite because this challenging is what fuels change and revolution. This challenging fuels the changing times. This challenging should not be suppressed because people are always going to have different methods to challenge status quos, so they will automatically be suppressed. Challenging status quo is a welcoming sign of change.

The degree in which it is possible to challenge status quo thinking is infinite until that challenge becomes the new status quo. Since challenging status quo brings about change and revolution, that challenging will continue until it becomes the NEW status quo. The moment it becomes the new status quo is the moment that it is done being challenged. It is when someone else will begin to challenge it because it is the status quo. In conclusion, the actual amount of times status quo is challenged is infinite, but the amount of time that a status quo is challenged is finite.

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